While we all do our part in practicing social distancing to protect ourselves and each other during this COVID-19 crisis, you should try and get outside. Unlike the office, restaurants, and theaters, outdoor spaces leave literal room to breathe and are considered safe as long as you maintain 6′ of distance from other people and steer clear of public playgrounds and other frequently-touched surfaces. Avoid cabin fever and tend to your mental health by getting outside this spring! Here are a few tips to keep you and your family safe.
Be Visible
Obey Traffic Laws, Signals and Signs
Stay Alert – Don’t Be Distracted
As Always – Wash Your Hands!
Remember as a bicyclist or pedestrian, you present even more safety challenges on the road for drivers than other vehicles as you lack protection in a crash, are slower than vehicles, and can be very difficult for a driver to see. These are all significant reasons to do what you can to protect you and your family. We want our employees and their families to work hard and play hard, but above all else, ALWAYS BE SAFE!