
Open Enrollment begins next week!

Open Enrollment begins next week!

During Open Enrollment, you can make changes to your various benefit plans, such as health and life insurance policies. The benefit choices you make during open enrollment will go into effect on January 1st, 2024. Your current benefit coverages will not automatically roll over to 2024.  If you are enrolled in benefit coverage(s), and do not want to make changes, you are still required to re-enroll and confirm your elections for the 2024 plan year. If you do not wish to enroll in 2024 plan benefits, you will need to decline elections.

2024 benefit elections will be made in the Employee Self-Service Application. Be sure to download and register for the Self-Service App Prior to Open Enrollment! You must have the app installed and be able to log in prior to open enrollment.

Prepare for Open Enrollment by following these steps:

  1. Confirm your access into the Employee Self-Service App
    You must have the app installed and be able to log in prior to open enrollment. Instructions on how to download and register for the Self-Service App are available here.
  2. Review the 2024 Benefits Guidebook
    Learn about the benefits offered to you and your family by accessing the Benefits Library
    Self Service App > Benefits > Benefits Library
  3. Verify the accuracy of your personal information
    Check your address, email, and phone number
    Self Service App > My Information
  4. Gather information on your dependent(s) and beneficiary(ies)
    Collect Legal name(s), date(s) of birth, social security number(s), and phone number(s)