

Stokes County, NC

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P&J Role

Prime Contractor

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Completion Date

October 2012

Project Description

The Belews Creek Steam Station is a two-unit coal-fired generating facility that is one of Duke Energy’s largest coal-burning power plants in the Carolinas. Cooling water for the station is obtained from Belews Lake which is a man-made feature that was formed when the station was constructed in the early 1970s.

Project Highlights


CY of Overburden Material


CY of Fly Ash From the Site


CY of Fly Ash at the Structural Fill Area


SF of Liner


SF of Geosynthetic Drainage Layer


CY of Soil Cover


LF of Toe and Interceptor Drains


SY of Blanket and Ditch Matting

32 Acres

of Land Seeded


SY For Access Roads

31,489 Man-Hours

With 0 Lost-Time Accidents

P&J’s Contribution

P&J was contracted to complete closure of a 22-acre beneficial reuse fly ash structural fill area located at the Belews Creek Steam Station. After removing overburden material, P&J transported fly ash from the site to the Craig Road Fly Ash Landfill located near the station and relocated fly ash at the structural fill area. Closure activities included installation of 40 mil linear low density polyethylene liner, geosynthetic drainage layer, 24” protective soil cover, and toe and interceptor drains. The remaining fly ash fill at the site was regraded to comply with required slope and grade specifications.


P&J also installed erosion control blanket and ditch matting, seeded acres of land, constructed aggregate base for access roads, and constructed a beneficial use parking/storage area on top of the closure area. The owner realized significant project cost savings as a result of P&J’s effective management of the existing overburden material resulting in less fly ash being hauled to the Craig Road Fly Ash Landfill than was originally planned.