

Polk & Hillsborough Counties, FL

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P&J Role

Prime Contractor

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Completion Date

May 2016

Project Description

The Polk to Fishhawk project involved the construction of approximately 34 miles of new 230 kV transmission lines between the Polk Power Station located in Polk County to the Fishhawk Substation located in Hillsborough County. P&J performed ROW clearing and access road construction for five segments of the Polk to Fishhawk project.

P&J’s Contribution

Major items of work performed by P&J included clearing and grubbing of transmission line ROW; reduction and disposal of cleared vegetation; installation and maintenance of environmental protection measures including temporary stabilization, silt fence, super sediment silt fence, and turbidity barrier; construction of access roads and crossings (cable concrete and concrete box culverts) that would allow for unobstructed access to the ROW by equipment ranging from pickup trucks to various types of heavy equipment; installation of storm culvert pipes up to 60” in diameter; construction of pads using 4” and 6” geoweb with stone and earthen fill; installation of gates and fencing; and restoration and seeding of disturbed areas.
