
P&J’s Healthy Pregnancies Program

P&J’s Healthy Pregnancies Program


If you’re currently pregnant or trying to grow your family, our insurance provider, Cigna, offers a Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies® program to support you during and after your pregnancy to help keep you and your baby healthy.

  • Find support early and often — get information, tell us about your pregnancy, or get infertility coaching so we can meet your needs.
  • Learn as much as you want — talk to a clinician who can help you with everything from morning sickness to your maternity benefits, 24/7.
  • Get rewarded for a good decision — if offered by your employer, you may be eligible to get an incentive for completing the program.

Call 1.800.615.2906 to enroll. We’ll send you a pregnancy journal and information to help you learn about pregnancy and babies.

In addition, you have access to the Cigna Healthy Pregnancy app developed to guide you through your entire pregnancy. This valuable resource allows you to easily enroll in the program, connect to your coach, and track and learn about your pregnancy to help you stay healthy every step of the way. You can download the Cigna Healthy Pregnancy app from the Apple or Google Play app stores.

If you have additional questions about this program, contact Brandon Layne at or 865.567.7641.

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