Infrastructure development is one of the most important investments a community can make in its future, and as we expand and our environment changes, local leadership needs swift, effective solutions to shifting needs. While the traditional bid-build process requires municipalities and local officials to source designs, landowner permission, and public approval at all stages of development, Phillips & Jordan (P&J) has both the technical know-how and the creative partnerships to do the legwork for you and present complete design packages, optimized for construction and your unique needs. By bringing together local landowners, design firms, and other stakeholders, we can facilitate innovative, multi-purpose solutions for mutual benefit. Early contractor involvement also ensures that all design plans will take the realities of construction into account from conception, which avoids costly and time-consuming adjustments later in development. If you have emerging water supply, recreation, or environmental remediation needs, contact P&J to start building sooner.
L-8 Reservoir Construction (FL)
Construction of a 46,000-acre foot reservoir in South Florida. The scope of work for this project included 2,450,000 CY of levee foundation preparation, construction of 1,996,000 CY of levee embankment on a 3:1 slope, dredging of 34,000,000 CY of underwater material and placement into structural fill, construction of 65,000 LF of return water canals, construction of a temporary bridge across the L-8 Canal, construction of coffer dams and a 80,000 CY emergency RCC 12 inch stepped configuration spillway on a 2:1 slope and 12” flat plating on 3:1 slope, installation of 400 LF of temporary sheet piling, construction of 45,000 LF of inspection roads and associated storm water drainage, and construction of 11,500 LF of bentonite slurry wall to a depth of 75’.
Pasco County Beneficial Reuse Wetland Project (FL)
CMAR project consisting of 15 man-made wetland cells within a 237-acre project footprint for reclaimed water to be pumped into the wetland cells to infiltrate and recharge the local aquifer. Included over 200,000 CY of excavation and embankment placement, installation of over 40,000 LF of piping, installation of instrumentation and electrical components, along with planting of wetland species.
C-51 Reservoir Construction (FL)
The C-51 Reservoir – named after its primary water source, the C-51 canal – is an innovative public private partnership project to develop a source of sustainable and cost-effective regional water supply for participating utilities in Southeast Florida. Phase 1 of the project will hold approximately 14,000 acre-feet of static storage and provide for aquifer recharge to permit the utilities to withdraw 35 million gallons per day of alternative water supply from existing well fields. Participating utilities include Broward County, Sunrise, Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Hallandale Beach, Margate, Dania Beach and Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department. Phase 2 of the project would add an additional 46,000 acre-feet of water storage. The reservoir will capture stormwater which is currently lost to the Lake Worth Lagoon and reduce the environmental harm to that estuary. The C-51 Reservoir project site is located adjacent to the L-8 Reservoir.
Northshore Town Center Site Development (TN)
P&J was contracted to complete site development work for the approximately 71-acre project site. Site development activities performed by P&J for this project included installation and maintenance of 46,000 LF of silt fence; stripping of 46,000 CY of topsoil; placement of 650,000 CY of rock/soil embankment; installation of 15,600 LF of storm drainage, water line, and sanitary sewer; and placement of 43,100 SY of asphalt paving.
Peace Creek Plaza Site Development (FL)
P&J performed site development work on an approximately 127-acre site for future commercial use. Activities performed by P&J included clearing and grubbing of 35 acres, 766,053 CY of site excavation, installation of 1,236 LF of storm drainage piping, removal of 115,898 CY of muck, and 37 acres of wetland mitigation planting. In addition, P&J completed realignment and reconfiguration of 4,300 LF of the Peace Creek Canal to accommodate the footprint of the proposed development and establish the wetland mitigation area.